Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reflection from NT Bootcamp

Although I am not a new teacher, I wanted to sign up and experience this camp for a few reasons.

I was hoping there might be some new tools that I could add to my repertoire; WeToku definitely met that criteria and I am sure I will use it with students and to deliver PD within my district.

I was also hoping to learn some techniques on how to conduct an online based PD training from Lisa. That was a resounding success and I really want to thank Lisa for her commitment and dedication this past month. I have learned a tremendous amount from this experience and I am sure it will help me to deliver PD to my district staff this coming year.

Although I have used blogs before ( personally, but not with students), I decided to try a new blogging tool called Blogpress on my new iPad. This entire blog was done using this tool, it was very easy and I can see using it with students on iPod touches or iPads in the coming year, although I have now learned that you kind of need to set up the blog first using your computer and although you can put in pictures, you can't easily put in hyperlinks via blogpress.

You can see some of my older blogs with the links on the right hand side of this post.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad